Sunday, January 8, 2012

Worry? Me?

I am not a born worrier. I don't worry about the small things. I don't worry about my kids getting sick- no I don't want them to get sick, but it happens no matter if I worry about it or not. I don't worry about the bills all too much. We have been so beyond broke that we lost our apartment, and moved into my parents house, had creditors calling non stop and there wasn't anything I could do about it, so why waste time worrying? I mean they can get blood out of a rock. BTW that was years ago and 3 children ago and my hubby was going to school full time and had lost his full time job. We have come a long long way from there, but that is another story for another day.

So as you can see I am not a worrier. I am a sliver lining person, I find what is good even in a bad situation. My best friend thinks I am nuts, and I love her for that. But in a bad situation she comes to me to point out the positive. And yes there are situations where there is no positive. I don't live in rose colored glasses, I live in the real world where it can be scary, and really unfair.

So I am not a worrier, but this time around with Thing 4 I am a little worried. I am not feeling pregnant at all. Besides from breast tenderness, that Thing 3 is not helping at all, and a heavy feeling in my "baby condo". Oh and of course my skin looks like a teenage version of myself, what is with that?? But I don't have any of the other symptoms. I am not overly tired, if anything I seem to have more energy. I have no morning sickness, not even nausea.  Everyone else I know that is due around the same time, has been sick, even just a little bit. And they are super tired.

See with Thing 1's pregnancy I was sick before I even knew about her. And I was sick sick sick all the time. I had hypermesis- aka can not stop throwing up. Thing 2's pregnancy was better, I was nauseous all the time but only got sick one. And Thing 3's pregnancy I was really tired but I don't remember being nauseous at all. So maybe Thing 4 will be like Thing 3?

Maybe I am not as far along as the "docs" insist, maybe it just hasn't kicked in? I feel guilty for complaining about not feeling pregnant, and I know I should be counting my lucky stars. I have has the 2 extremes so I know what I could be facing.

Does this mean this baby is not ok? Does this mean I might lose Thing 4? See I am worrying, and not that my worrying makes the outcome any different, I still find I am doing it. January 24th, can't come soon enough.

1 comment:

  1. I dont think it helps with so many we know having losses... :-( I hope I dont add to your worrying, I am a natural born worrier!!
    Love u!
