Let me back up, it was official when I peed on something like the 100th stick, because the first 99 were all negative and I was sure something was wrong with me. I mean heck how can a girl be on day 50 of her cycle and NOT be pregnant?! But the first 99 lied. They all lied, I was indeed pregnant, and until luck test number 100 crossed the threshold of the house- ok the pee stream, I didn't realize how long they had been lying to me. So I peed, and watched in utter amazement as I saw 2 pink lines. Oh boy I'm pregnant, again, with Thing 4. I called my hubby at work, because of course he has to hear the news! And side bar if he is at work I can't see him panic, and as a law enforcement guy he can't cry at work without it haunting him forever. So I was safe to tell him that yes we were for sure out numbered for the REST of our lives.
Number 99- the liar!
Number 100- see the difference?
See Thing 4 was a planned surprise. Yes we wanted more children- someday, and yes I am still breast feeding my 18 month old and yes we had never used protection and heck in 18 month I hadn't gotten pregnant yet why would I now? I will tell you why it happened now. After 3 kids your shape is well, distorted a bit. I had put on a lot of weight in this last pregnancy- ok it was the Christmas cookies that did me in last year. Anywhoo I have finally lost a bunch of weight and even bought myself NEW jeans, and in a size 6! So the moment I bought them I think I got pregnant. Always the moment I buy new clothes I get pregnant. Now for the average women that would be dangerous, but me you see, I never buy clothes. I despise the mall, and would rather any day hit up the thrifty shopper for my clothes. So when I break down and go to the mall, on Black Friday no less, I should have heard the heavens crying for they knew what was up.
Ok way off track with my rant about the mall, my butt size and my fondness for Christmas cookies. Thing 4 is preceded buy Thing 1, she is 10. Thing 2, he is 7. And Thing 3, he is 18 months. Then there is the Father to all Things, we have been together for 15 years and married for 10.5. So that is our family the Mother of all Things, the Father to all Things, and 3 Things running around my house. Until now we had them under the delusion that we were still in control, but since it is official- but not "official" we are now at 2 to 1 odds. 2 Things to every 1 parent of said Things. Now Things 1-3 do not know about Thing 4 yet. We are keeping it under wraps until we have some sort of picture to show them. We can come home and say ohhhhh here is a picture of Thing 4, it is a...... Gummy Bear! Ok not really but that is what they will saw it looks like.
And this is going to be a way to track my progress of growing Thing 4, bringing Thing 4 into the world and even scarier bringing Thing 4 home. This is a way to remember all the little things I so easily forget these days. Note to self remember to blog stuff, and where you wrote the password down.
So grab a seat it is going to be a wild ride!
ahaha before I got pregnant with Andrew, I had
ReplyDeletefinally lost 20 of the 40lbs I still was holding onto from Colins pregnancy.
Congrats, Kel. Glad I read this..didn't know u didn't thell the other things yet! Let me know if you need anything!