Monday, January 9, 2012


So I have been tired, like wow my ass is too heavy to drag around tired. Yes I understand this is normal and supposed to be happening, but really truly, I do not have time for this. My Thing 3 doesn't care if I am tired, not at all. He still wants to eat off and on all night long, he wants to play and kiss my face and have me change his diapers. He wants me to feed him and love him and hug him and call him George- oh wait that was Bugs Bunny. Anywhoo what I meant is he doesn't care if I am tired and don't have the energy to get moving.

Things 1 and 2 also don't care if I am tired. The seem to be accustom to being fed, and having help with homework, rides to friends, and goodnight books and tuck ins. I guess they didn't get the memo that the Mother to all Things wants a break for the next 5 weeks..... rats.

You know what else doesn't care if I am tired? The mess in the house, the laundry still piles up and is in co hoots with the dishes that pile up too. The bits and piece on the floor still need to be vacuumed, the pets want to be fed, meals have to be made, and it goes on and on and on. So I have figured out 2 plans against all the things and Things that don't care if I am tired. First off I am going to list them to death. I am going to make my to do list and stick by it.... of course being Monday means I have to bust a move on my Monday tasks, but still I can do it! And 2 is sunshine. I got out in it today even though it was only like 42 out. I hung the cloth diapers on the line. It was ummmmm errrrr invigorating!

So as tired as I may be, life is not going to stop and wait for me to catch my breath because I am tired, and I know for sure that in 6 months it is not going stop for me to catch my breath when I actually can't catch it. So until then I am going to use what I can, and the magic cure is sunshine..... and a few lists. If I can remember where I put that list.....

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