So who ever or what ever you pray to please pray we all end up with the perfect babies we all so desperatly want. That there are no more losses and heartache. I could not imagine the guilt I will feel if I were to have my baby and someone elses is an angel, or vice a versa.
I found this prayer, and it seemed fitting. So if you are at a loss for words you can always say this one.
Prayer for a Safe Pregnancy
This life you have given usAmen.
is so tiny, fragile, and vulnerable,
safe in the womb of flesh and hope,
yet subject to danger and death.
O God of love, creator of life,
hear our prayer.
We want this baby so much.
Please grant this child of ours
a full term of nurture,
the joy and mystery of life,
and the blessing of your love.
Grant us the fulfillment of our dreams,
a baby to cherish and protect,
a child to teach and guide,
a blessing to our family.
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