Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I am here

It has been a while since I wrote, and I keep meaning to but I can often find ways to avoid it. Hmmmmm the Things are on winter recess. I have been prepping the house to move. I have movies to watch with the father of all Things. Heck I even have laundry to fold!

Ok you busted me, the last one was a lie, I don't fold laundry. opps.

But I have been insanely busy and not with fun things at all. Actually they have all been pretty terrible. I learned of a friends daughter passing away at home, at least it was peaceful, but it still breaks my heart. Her sweet Lily was one month and one day older than Thing 3. I have known the mommy for a long time now, years actually and we laughed because we have babies together often. She has twin girls the same age as Thing 2, and we both just got pregnant around Christmas. We both have lost our Christmas babies. I wish I could take away her pain, I wish I could make it better. But I am helpless, I can't fix her, I can't make her feel better. All I can do is be there for her when she is ready.

I also got the news of another Christmas baby being lost by another friend, and hers has been so much harder than mine. Hers has resulted in a subsequent infection, you know just in case loosing a baby wasn't enough. My heart breaks for her too, they were done having babies. I know I will have the chance to try again eventually. For her it seems that may not be an option, and again I can't fix it for her, I can't make it better. And again I am here for her.

Next up was another friend of mine- who has been getting the short end of the stick for years now, found out her sister had a stroke. Just like that, out of the blue, poof!  Her sister is my age, not even a year old. HOW does that happen? She has children, young ones, and she has lost her speech. I mean how can you raise children with out being able to talk to them? Hopefully with some therapy she will regain this skill.

So yes I have been busy with a lot of really really bad things. But I also have been busy with a few good things.

1) We are going to try and put the house up for sale in a couple of months to move to the country. So we can look out our windows ans see this.

2) I have found friends where I least expected them. Friends that have come forward in this chaotic time, friends that are willing to help out people they have never even met. It touches my heart.

3)I have folded laundry- opps busted again I have not. It looks a lot like this....

Ok this is not me, but it could be, and I found it under Kelly laundry pile through Google.

 So on that note, life goes on with or without me. And I choose to be involved in it, which means good or bad I am here.

P.S. I think the laundry has me beat by better than 2 to 1 odds humph!

1 comment:

  1. love you Kelly! i admire your strength and I am always here for you!
